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  • 学校简称:泡桐树小学西区
  • 学校类型:省重点/公办
  • 入学途径:统招
  • 所属地区:四川-成都-青羊区
  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区简介


成都市泡桐树小学西区位于四川省成都市青羊区琼楼路188号,您可以坐车到瑞星路口站、玉宇路东站等站点,经过该站点的线路有社区巴士1086路、170路、1118路、215路;附近标志性建筑有黄记现捞、爆炒之王、黄焖鸡米饭馄饨王、兵记兔头等;成都市泡桐树小学西区 电话:%u0030%u0032%u0038-%u0038%u0031%u0037%u0031 %u0036%u0033%u0036%u0033

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  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区的环境怎么样

  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区

  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区

  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区

  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区

  • 成都市泡桐树小学西区

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  • 评论

  • 天空任我遨游a
  • 2017-03-30
Chengdu paotongshu primary school was founded in 1961, is the predecessor of the provincial school children. The implementation of the school's "one school district" of the new school system, the existing three campuses, 54 classes, more than 2800 students, 168 teachers, the implementation of 2+4+6 model. Since the beginning of 1996, the school began thinking and practice of harmonious education, practice and unremittingly and harmonious education of independent development, adult talent "concept, is committed to creating a harmonious campus for children's healthy and happy growth (i.e., the blue ocean, the ocean of knowledge, the charm of the campus; campus; the ocean of love and warm campus; the ocean of information, digital campus), promote the development of children's active, vivid, lively, free and full, comprehensive and harmonious; to do the people satisfied with the education, social yearning for school. We believe that the school is a school for students, parents and teachers...更多Chengdu paotongshu primary school was founded in 1961, is the predecessor of the provincial school children. The implementation of the school's "one school district" of the new school system, the existing three campuses, 54 classes, more than 2800 students, 168 teachers, the implementation of 2+4+6 model. Since the beginning of 1996, the school began thinking and practice of harmonious education, practice and unremittingly and harmonious education of independent development, adult talent "concept, is committed to creating a harmonious campus for children's healthy and happy growth (i.e., the blue ocean, the ocean of knowledge, the charm of the campus; campus; the ocean of love and warm campus; the ocean of information, digital campus), promote the development of children's active, vivid, lively, free and full, comprehensive and harmonious; to do the people satisfied with the education, social yearning for school. We believe that the school is a school for students, parents a
  • 天空任我遨游a
  • 2017-03-30
Chengdu paotongshu primary school was founded in 1961, is the predecessor of the provincial school children. The implementation of the school's "one school district" of the new school system, the existing three campuses, 54 classes, more than 2800 students, 168 teachers, the implementation of 2+4+6 model. Since the beginning of 1996, the school began thinking and practice of harmonious education, practice and unremittingly and harmonious education of independent development, adult talent "concept, is committed to creating a harmonious campus for children's healthy and happy growth (i.e., the blue ocean, the ocean of knowledge, the charm of the campus; campus; the ocean of love and warm campus; the ocean of information, digital campus), promote the development of children's active, vivid, lively, free and full, comprehensive and harmonious; to do the people satisfied with the education, social yearning for school. We believe that the school is a school for students, parents and teachers...更多Chengdu paotongshu primary school was founded in 1961, is the predecessor of the provincial school children. The implementation of the school's "one school district" of the new school system, the existing three campuses, 54 classes, more than 2800 students, 168 teachers, the implementation of 2+4+6 model. Since the beginning of 1996, the school began thinking and practice of harmonious education, practice and unremittingly and harmonious education of independent development, adult talent "concept, is committed to creating a harmonious campus for children's healthy and happy growth (i.e., the blue ocean, the ocean of knowledge, the charm of the campus; campus; the ocean of love and warm campus; the ocean of information, digital campus), promote the development of children's active, vivid, lively, free and full, comprehensive and harmonious; to do the people satisfied with the education, social yearning for school. We believe that the school is a school for students, parents
  • 何22
  • 2016-12-12
泡小西区是泡小集团第一个重点打造的直属校区,共有55个班级,师生员工3000余人,师资和本部共享。泡桐树小学西区坚持着以“生活教育”的办学特色,倡导“乐活——健康生活、智慧生活、快乐生活”的理念,注重学生的素质教育。除了课内活动,还组织学生参与各种兴趣班,锻炼学生的动手能力和创新思维。老师专业知识、学科能力通过考试选拔,整体水平较高。 \n学校老师分为语文组、音乐组、美术组等团队,诞生众多名师,其中有的老师所执教的数学课在全国、省、区都获得荣誉,所撰写的论文、案例分析等都获得奖项。
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光华里 中铁·西子香荷 光华·美邻 光华美邻 东坡小区 知贤坊



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